Lok Landji Billabong, located on a section of the freshwater Darwin River, has been surveyed by the Weed Management Branch since 2004 for cabomba (Cabomba caroliniana).
Adelaide River water advisory committee appointed
Members of the Adelaide River Water Advisory Committee have been appointed by the Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Security, an important next step in the department’s development of a water plan for the region.
Northern Territory Government Water Demand Management Strategy
The Office of Water Security is excited to announce the release of the Northern Territory Water Demand Management Strategy, a whole-of-government initiative aimed at improving water efficiency and demonstrating Government leadership in water management in the Northern Territory.
Over 6,000 megalitres of unused water recovered in Katherine
A total of 6,047 megalitres of unused water entitlements were recently recovered from 9 water licence holders in the Katherine Limestone Aquifer Water Allocation Plan area.
A unique approach to land resource mapping over many decades delivers for the Northern Territory
Building our knowledge of the Northern Territory’s land resources over many decades using a unique approach to mapping has developed our land-based economy while protecting the environment.
The Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Security has declared the Western Davenport Water Allocation Plan 2024 - 2027 and Katherine Tindall Limestone Aquifer Water Allocation Plan 2024 - 2026.
Key stakeholders meet to discuss weeds in the Barkly
The Tennant Creek Weeds Working Group convened a meeting in May to discuss key weed issues.
Department staff improve their weed hygiene awareness
Recently staff from the Weed Management Branch, Bushfires NT, Environment Division and Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade completed the National accreditation AHCBIO203 ‘Inspect and clean machinery, tools and equipment to preserve biosecurity’.
Water demand management strategy
The Northern Territory Government has released its water demand management strategy to improve efficiencies and reduce demand across 16 different agencies.
Managing water in partnership with Territorians
The Department is calling for community members interested in water management, to provide advice to the department and the Minister, on the values (social, cultural and economic values) of the water resources in their area.