Eucalypts are an iconic part of the Australian landscape, from the instantly recognisable Ghost Gums of Central Australia to the ubiquitous Stringybarks and orange-flowered Woolybutts of the Top End. There are currently over 800 recognised species of eucalypt in Australia – give or take about 50!
Listed waste transporters key focus for environmental regulator
The Environmental Regulation Division has launched a targeted campaign to assess compliance among high risk listed waste transporters.
Tyre management at Northern Territory Landfills in regulators sights
In accordance with the Environmental Regulation Division’s 2024-25 Compliance Plan, the division is targeting landfill tyre management to assess compliance across the industry and improve environmental outcomes.
Development Consent Authority Specialist Member nominations now open!
The Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment is calling for nominations from Territorians to become a Specialist Member of the Development Consent Authority (DCA).
5 Yearly Review of Ti Tree Water Allocation Plan 2020-2030
An Aboriginal Reference Group for the Ti Tree water plan area has been established. This group will play an important role in advising on the inclusion of Aboriginal cultural values into the regional water plan, and in building two-way understanding of water management, including opportunities for Aboriginal people to use water for economic development in Central Australia.
The Department of Lands, Planning and Environment continues to provide rural landholders with support in the fight against gamba grass, with the Gamba Action Program 2024-2025 opening on Friday 6 December 2024.
Petroleum regulators inspecting to ensure wet season preparedness
Environmental regulators are in the field ensuring that the onshore gas industry is ready for the upcoming Wet Season.We know from the Bureau of Meteorology that the wet season in the Top End could be “more severe” this year so it’s important the onshore gas industry is prepared.
Water levels up across the Douglas Daly
Water levels are higher than the same time last year across a range of monitoring bores in the Douglas/Daly as part of the biannual water allocation plan monitoring run.
Report pollution to contribute to the solution
Oil spills, fish kills and rubbish hills – What should you do if you witness an environmental incident?
Operation: Don’t be a Dumper - Tackling waste crime in the Alice Springs region
Operation: Don’t Be A Dumper (DBAD) has officially been launched, representing a collaborative initiative involving multiple government departments, the local council and community organisations working together to address illegal dumping in Alice Springs.