Development Consent Authority Specialist Member nominations now open!
The Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment is calling for nominations from Territorians to become a Specialist Member of the Development Consent Authority (DCA).
The DCA is a statutory body responsible for making decisions on development applications within its relevant Division areas of the Northern Territory.
As a DCA Specialist Member, you will play an integral role in the community by reviewing, considering and determining development applications within DCA division areas and contributing to the growth and progress of the Northern Territory.
To be eligible, you will have qualifications or experience in one or more of the following fields:
- architecture
- building construction
- community development
- engineering
- environmental studies
- land surveying
- landscape design
- law
- property valuation
- property development or management
- town planning
- urban design.
While it is not a requirement for members to live in the DCA division area, the DCA embodies local decision making and the DCA member should therefore have local knowledge of the area.
The position is financially remunerated and DCA meetings ordinarily are held every month except for the Darwin division which meets every two weeks. The Batchelor and Tennant Creek divisions meet on an as needs basis (less frequent).
The appointment will commence 12 April 2025 and end on 11 April 2027.
Apply in writing by completing the registration form available with the fact sheet, including your curriculum vitae (CV) and a supporting statement outlining your suitability.
Email or post your completed application to
Applications close Friday 24 January 2025.
For more information on Development Consent Authority (DCA).