Tyre management at Northern Territory Landfills in regulators sights


In accordance with the Environmental Regulation Division’s 2024-25 Compliance Plan, the division is targeting landfill tyre management to assess compliance across the industry and improve environmental outcomes.

Tyre management is a critical concern for landfills, as improper storage can lead to environmental hazards such as fire risks and drainage blockages. Tyres, due to their size, composition, and slow decomposition, require designated storage areas at landfills that are separate from other waste streams.

Landfill licences often stipulate that tyres be stored within specific stack limits to minimise fire hazards and ensure proper waste management. By adhering to proper storage protocols, landfill operators not only reduce environmental risks but also contribute to more efficient waste processing and recycling, supporting a circular economy.

Effective tyre management helps operators comply with legal requirements, avoid costly fines, and play an active role in reducing landfill volumes while promoting sustainability.

The division is undertaking inspections, focused on tyres storage and disposal practices, and has commenced an industry-wide audit of tyre management practices. The audit is consistent with the division’s PACTT (proportionate, accountable, consistent, targeted, and transparent) principles and aims to ensure that tyre storage and disposal practices meet regulatory requirements and mitigate associated environmental risks.

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