The Water Resources appointment system is live!
On 22 November 2023, the Territory Appointment System for Water Resources went live!
Building capability in marine emergencies
The two year maritime emergency program is one of the Northern Territory (NT)’s national and international obligations for marine environmental protection and has a heavy focus on marine oil spill management.
Environmental regulation of mining
The department is planning and implementing activities for the commencement of the new environmental (mining) licensing framework established under the Environment Protection Legislation Amendment Act 2023.
100th meeting of the Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority Board
The Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority (NT EPA) is an independent authority established in 2012, under the Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority Act 2012.
On 7 - 8 February 2024, Darwin hosted a meeting of environmental regulators convened by AELERT - the Australasian Environmental Law Enforcement and Regulators neTwork.
Surface water – wet season flows policy announced
The Surface Water – Wet Seasons Flow Policy was announced by the Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Security, Kate Worden on Thursday 15 February, and introduced a precautionary approach to extracting surface water from the 30 river basins in the Top End.
Water Resources Division respond to Victoria River flood
On 14 January, a tropical low pressure system designated as 03U by the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) crossed the north western coast near Wadeye.
Wastewater regulation during the wet season
The Petroleum Operations unit is committed to providing clear information on how the onshore petroleum industry in the Northern Territory is regulated during the wet season.
Notice of limited services on 8 December 2023
The Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security will be operating with limited services across the Territory on Friday 8 December due to our annual department meeting.
Exploring nature together: REALM adventure begins!
Imagine diving deep into the heart of our community, discovering the hidden wonders of our local ecosystems. REALM isn't just about mapping; its about discovery and learning the secrets of our natural world!