5 Yearly Review of Ti Tree Water Allocation Plan 2020-2030
An Aboriginal Reference Group for the Ti Tree water plan area has been established. This group will play an important role in advising on the inclusion of Aboriginal cultural values into the regional water plan, and in building two-way understanding of water management, including opportunities for Aboriginal people to use water for economic development in Central Australia.
The Ti Tree Aboriginal Reference Group met this month, with a focus on the completion of the five yearly review of the Ti Tree Water Allocation Plan 2020-2030 (water plan). All members agreed that lots of progress has been made against the implementation actions, with almost 50% of them being completed. The group feel it is important to continue with the work given the plan is at the halfway point, and on track for success.
The group also discussed their participation in the Ti Tree Aboriginal Water Science project, funded by the Commonwealth government through the National Water Grid Authority, that will investigate the opportunities to include Aboriginal water science and management techniques into the water plan. The project will start early in the new year and the group look forward to meeting the other members of the project, at the commencement meeting in March 2025.