Darwin Harbour report card 2018

Zone 5: Middle Harbour

2018 report card overview

Water quality in the Middle Harbour was excellent.

Zone 5 Middle Harbour grade wheel

About Middle Harbour

The Middle Harbour zone receives urban and industrial stormwater runoff from the city of Darwin and development at Wickham Point.

The harbour’s main shipping channel transverses this zone and it receives dispersed discharge from the Ludmilla wastewater treatment plant at the East Point outfall.

Seagrass beds occur in Fannie Bay, where dugongs can often be seen. A shallow coral reef that is exposed at extreme low tides extends around East Point.

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Long-term trend

Zone 5 Middle Harbour trends

Data summary

The distribution of the data for all parameters is shown here as box and whisker plots.

For report card grades the median of the data (solid line in the box) is compared to the Water Quality Objective (dotted line) for each parameter.

Zone 5 Middle Harbour turbidity
Dissolved oxygen indicator – Oxygen saturation parameterZone 5 Middle Harbour dissolved oxygen
Algae indicator – Chlorophyll-a concentration parameterZone 5 Middle Harbour chlorophyll-a
Nutrients indicator – Nitro oxide, ammonia and soluble phosphorus concentrations parameterZone 5 Middle Harbour phosphorusZone 5 Middle Harbour ammoniaZone 5 Middle Harbour nitrogen oxide

Supplementary parameters

Zone 5 Middle Harbour salinity

Zone 5 Middle Harbour temperature

Zone 5 Middle Harbour pH levels

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