Summary of proposed changes to listings – Mammals
* Refer to the IUCN categories
Common name | Scientific name | Current TPWCA (2012) status * | Proposed TPWCA (2020) status * | Current EPBCA status * | Reason for change |
Brush-tailed Bettong | Bettongia penicillata | EX |
EN, EX in the NT | EN (as B. p. ogilbyi) | Extinct in NT but not nationally. |
Brush-tailed Mulgara | Dasycercus blythi | VU | LC | Not listed | Remove from list because not nationally threatened. |
Kowari, Brushy-tailed Marsupial Rat, Byrne's Crest-tailed Marsupial Rat | Dasyuroides byrnei | EX |
VU, EX in the NT | VU | Extinct in NT but not nationally. |
Chuditch, Western Quoll | Dasyurus geoffroii | EX |
VU, EX in the NT | VU | Extinct in NT but not nationally. |
Northern Leaf-nosed Bat, Lesser Wart-nosed Horseshoe-bat | Hipposideros stenotis | VU | NT | Not listed | Remove from list because not nationally threatened. |
Mala, Rufous Hare-Wallaby (Central Australia) | Lagorchestes hirsutus Central Australian subspecies | EX in the Wild |
EN, EX in the Wild in the NT | EN | Extinct in NT but not nationally. |
Black-footed Tree-rat (Kimberley and Mainland Northern Territory) | Mesembriomys gouldii gouldii |
VU (as M. gouldii) | EN | EN | Align with national EPBCA status. |
Black-footed Tree-rat (Melville Island) | Mesembriomys gouldii melvillensis | VU (as M. gouldii) | VU | VU | Align with national EPBCA status. |
Numbat | Myrmecobius fasciatus | EX | EN, EX in the NT | EN | Extinct in NT but not nationally. |
Fawn Hopping-mouse, Ooarri | Notomys cervinus | EX |
LC, EX in the NT | Not listed | Extinct in NT but not nationally. |
Itjaritjari, Southern Marsupial Mole, Yitjarritjarri | Notoryctes typhlops | VU | LC | Not listed | Remove from list because not nationally threatened. |
Nabarlek (Top End) | Petrogale concinna canescens |
VU (as P. concinna) | EN | EN | Align with national EPBCA status. |
Nabarlek (Victoria River District) | Petrogale concinna concinna |
VU (as P. concinna) | CR (PE) | CR | Align with national EPBCA status. |
Red-tailed Phascogale | Phascogale calura | EX |
VU, EX in the NT | VU | Extinct in NT but not nationally. |
Shark Bay Mouse, Djoongari, Alice Springs Mouse | Pseudomys fieldi | EX |
VU, EX in the NT | VU | Extinct in NT but not nationally. |
Canefield Rat, Minkala PDF (163.8 KB) | Rattus sordidus | CR |
LC, EX in the NT | Not listed | Reassessed IUCN criteria and category for listing. |
Long-tailed Dunnart | Sminthopsis longicaudata | VU | NT | Not listed | Remove from list because not nationally threatened. |
Sandhill Dunnart | Sminthopsis psammophila | DD | EN | EN | Align with national EPBCA status. |
Carpentarian Rock-rat, Aywalirroomoo | Zyzomys palatalis | CR | EN | EN | Reassessed IUCN criteria and category for listing. |
Central Rock-rat, Antina | Zyzomys pedunculatus | EN | CR | CR | Reassessed IUCN criteria and category for listing. |
Changes between non-threatened categories are proposed for a number of additional species. View the justifications for these changes.
Other taxa considered
This is the list of other taxa considered by panel, but no change recommended.
* Refer to the IUCN categories
Common name | Scientific name | Current TPWCA (2012) status * | Proposed TPWCA (2020) * | Current EPBCA status * | Comment |
Ghost Bat | Macroderma gigas | NT | No change | VU | Remain misaligned until reassessed nationally. |
Northern Brush-tailed Phascogale | Phascogale pirata | EN | No change | VU | – |
Carpentarian Pseudantechinus | Pseudantechinus mimulus | NT | No change | Not listed | Remain misaligned until reassessed nationally. |
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