Summary of proposed changes to listings – Birds

* Refer to the IUCN categories

Common name Scientific name Current
TPWCA (2012) status*
TPWCA (2020) status *
EPBCA status *
Reason for change
Slender-billed Thornbill (western)Acanthiza iredalei iredalei EX LC, EX in the NT Not listed Extinct in NT but not nationally.
Red KnotCalidris canutus VU EN EN Align with national EPBCA status.
Curlew SandpiperCalidris ferruginea VU CR CR Align with national EPBCA status.
Great KnotCalidris tenuirostris VU CR CR Align with national EPBCA status.
Lesser Sand Plover, Mongolian PloverCharadrius mongolus VU EN EN Align with national EPBCA status.
Christmas Island FrigatebirdFregata andrewsi NE EN EN Align with national EPBCA status.
Asian DowitcherLimnodromus semipalmatus VU NT Not listed Remove from list because not nationally threatened.
Bar-tailed Godwit (western Alaskan)Limosa lapponica baueri VU
(as L. lapponica)
VU VU Align with national EPBCA status.
Bar-tailed Godwit (northern Siberian)Limosa lapponica menzbieri VU
(as L. lapponica)
CR CR Align with national EPBCA status.
Far Eastern CurlewNumenius madagascariensis VU CR CR Align with national EPBCA status.
Abbot's Booby Papasula abbotti EN EN Added due to single NT record from 2017.
Plains-wandererPedionomus torquatus DD CR CR Align with national EPBCA status.
Night ParrotPezoporus occidentalis CR EN EN Align with national EPBCA status.
Australian Painted-snipeRostratula australis VU EN EN Align with national EPBCA status.
Grey Currawong (western) PDF (346.2 KB)Strepera versicolor plumbea CR LC,
EX in the NT
Not listed Reassessed IUCN criteria and category for listing.

Changes between non-threatened categories are proposed for a number of additional species. View the justifications for these changes.

Other taxa considered

This is the list of other taxa considered by panel, but no change recommended.

* Refer to the IUCN categories

Common name Scientific name Current TPWCA (2012) status * Proposed * Current EPBCA status *
Gouldian FinchErythrura gouldiae VU No change EN
Crested Shrike-tit (northern), Northern Shrike-titFalcunculus frontatus whitei NT No change VU
Purple-crowned Fairy-wren (western) Malurus coronatus coronatus VU No change EN

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