This page lists the publications, reports and journals from the Flora and Fauna Division in 2010.
For enquiries about any of the publications or journals listed below send an email to biodiversity.denr@nt.gov.au.
Deegan, Bonnie, Barbara Sturt, Doris Ryder†, May Butcher, Stan Brumby, Gracie Long†, Nora Badngarri, Jack Lannigan†, Joe Blythe and Glenn Wightman (2010). Jaru plants and animals; Aboriginal flora and fauna knowledge from the south-east Kimberley and western Top End, north Australia. Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin No. 36. Department of Natural Resources, Environment, the Arts and Sport, and Kimberley Language Resource Centre, Halls Creek. Aboriginal knowledge: plants and animals.
Widijburru†, Bobby, Daisy Harrington†, Ronny Balwanjer†, Eileen Roberts†, Laurie Roberts, Roy Harrington, Peter Waterloo, Josie Roberts, Noeline Nemit, Colleen Moerkerken and Glenn Wightman (2010). Ngarinyman plants and animals, Aboriginal flora and fauna knowledge from Judbarra / Gregory National Park and the Victoria River region, northern Australia. Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin No. no. 34. Dept. of Natural Resources, Environment, the Arts and Sport and Diwurruwurru-jaru. Aboriginal Corporation, Darwin. Aboriginal knowledge: plants and animals.
Braby MF and Kessner V (2010). Collation of information on the status of land snails in the Victoria River District of the Northern Territory. Unpublished final report on Implementation Project 4 to the Commonwealth of Australia. 16 pp.
Braby MF (2010). Survey of the Ngaanyatjarra Indigenous Protected Area for the Common Brown butterfly,Heteronympha merope. Unpublished research report to the Ngaanyatjarra Council (Aboriginal Corporation) Land and Culture. 7 pp.
Chivers SJ, Baird RW, McSweeney DJ, Webster DL, Gorgone AM, Schorr G, Salinas JC, Oleson EM, Robbins J, Matilla D, Palmer CL, Schultz M, Thieleking JL, Pease V, Robertson KM, Hancock BL, Martien KM, and Taylor BL (2010) PDF (780.8 KB). Evidence of genetic differentiation for Hawai‘i Insular false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens). NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS SWFSC 458.
Delaney R, Neave H, Fukuda Y and Saalfeld WK (2010). Management Program for the Freshwater Crocodile (Crocodylus johnstoni) in the Northern Territory of Australia, 2010–2015. PDF (315.6 KB)Northern Territory Government Department of Natural Resources, Environment, the Arts and Sport, Darwin.
Edwards GP (2010). Managing the impacts of feral camels in an effective and humane way. In “Proceedings of the RSPCA Australia Scientific Seminar. Convergence or conflict: animal welfare in wildlife management and conservation.” pp. 5-11. 23 February 2010. RSPCA Australia.
Garnett ST, Woinarski JCZ, Crowley GM and Kutt AS (2010). Biodiversity conservation in Australian tropical rangelands. In, Wild Rangelands: conserving wildlife while maintaining livestock in semi-arid ecosystems. (eds J. du Toit, R. Kock and J. Deutsch.) pp. 191-234. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester.
Hill BM and Ward SJ (2010). National Recovery Plan for the Northern Quoll Dasyurus hallucatus. Department of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport, Darwin.
Lewis D, Hill J and Cowie ID (2010). Bullo River Station Flora and Vegetation Survey, and Reconnaissance Soil-Landscape Investigation, Northern Territory. Department of Natural Resources, Environment, the Arts and Sport, Northern Territory Government, Technical Report No. 02/2010D, Palmerston.
Palmer C (2010) PDF (4.8 MB). Darwin Harbour Coastal Dolphin Project. Interim Report, Biodiversity Unit, Department of Natural Resources, Environment, the Arts and Sport, NRETAS Library call number: 599.33
Palmer CM (2010) PDF (283.9 KB). National Recovery Plan for the Desert Sand Skipper Croitana aestiva PDF (283.9 KB). Department of Natural Resources, Environment, the Arts and Sport.
Woinarski, J., and Ward, S. (2010) PDF (184.3 KB). Under the radar?: the occurrence, impact and management of feral cats and black rats in Kakadu. In Kakadu National Park Landscape Symposia Series 2007-2009. Symposium 5: Feral Animal Management. (M Jambrecina ed). Kakadu National Park, Jabiru, Internal Report, Supervising Scientist, Darwin.
Albrecht DE and Lally TR (2010). A reappraissal of Ptilotus aristatus and P. blackii (Amaranthaceae). Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens.
Bowman DMJS, Brown GK, Braby MF, Brown JR, Cook LG, Crisp MD, Ford F, Haberle S, Hughes J, Isagi Y, Joseph L, McBride J, Nelson G and Ladiges PY (2010). Biogeography of the Australian monsoon tropics. Journal of Biogeography 37: 201-216.
Braby M (2010). Conservation status and management of the Gove Crow Euploea alcathoe enastri (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), a threatened tropical butterfly from the indigenous Aboriginal lands of north-eastern Arnhem Land, Australia. Journal of Insect Conservation 14: 535-554.
Braby MF (2010). The merging of taxonomy and conservation biology: a synthesis of Australian butterfly systematics (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea) for the 21st century PDF (40.4 KB). Zootaxa 2707: 1–76.
Braby MF, Lane DA, and Weir RP (2010). The occurrence of Appias albina albina (Boisduval, 1836) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae: Pierinae) in northern Australia: phenotypic variation, life history and biology, with remarks on its taxonomic status. Entomological Science 13: 258-268.
Braby MF and Nishida K (2010).
Braby MF, Worsnop A, Yata O and Tupper A (2010). First record of Appias albina infuscata Fruhstorfer, 1910 (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) from Australia. The Australian Entomologist 37: 157-162.
Coventry J, Edwards G and Zeng B (2010). The odyssey of managing feral camels - is there an Achilles’ heel?Australian Zoologist 35, 251-264.
Edwards GP, Zeng B, Saalfeld WK and Vaarzon-Morel P (2010). Evaluation of the impacts of feral camels.Rangeland Journal 32, 43-54.
Drucker AG, Edwards G and Saalfeld K (2010). Economics of camel control in central Australia. Rangeland Journal32, 117-127.
Firth RSC, Brook BW, Woinarski JCZ and Fordham DA (2010). Decline and likely extinction of a northern Australian native rodent, the Brush-tailed Rabbit-rat Conilurus penicillatus. Biological Conservation 143, 1193-1201.
Kodandaramaiah U, Peña C, Braby MF, Grund R, Müller CJ, Nylin S and Wahlberg N (2010). Phylogenetics of Coenonymphina (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) and the problem of rooting rapid radiations. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 54: 386-394.
Lamb DS, Saalfeld K, McGregor M, Edwards G and Zeng B (2010). A GIS-based decision-making structure for managing the impacts of feral camels in Australia. Rangeland Journal 32, 129-143.
McGregor MJ and Edwards GP (2010). Guest Editorial: Managing the impacts of feral camels. Rangeland Journal32, i-iii.
Nano CEM and Clarke PJ (2010). Woody-grass ratios in a grassy arid system are limited by multi-causal interactions of abiotic constraint, competition and fire. Oecologia 162: 719-732.
Pavey CR, Burwell CJ and Nano CEM (2010) PDF (291.8 KB). Foraging ecology and habitat use of Slater’s Skink (Egernia slateri): an endangered Australian desert lizard. Journal of Herpetology 44: 563-71.
Palmer CM (2010) PDF (206.3 KB). Chronological changes in terrestrial insect assemblages in the arid zone of Australia.Environmental Entomology 39:1775-1787.
Perry J, Fisher A and Palmer C (2011). Status and habitat of the Carpentarian Grasswren (Amytornis dorotheae) in the Northern Territory. Emu 111: 1–7.
Preece N, Harvey K, Hempel C and Woinarski JCZ (2010). Uneven distribution of weeds along extensive transects in Australia's Northern Territory points to management solutions. Ecological Management and Restoration 11, 127-134.
Saalfeld WK and Edwards GP (2010). Distribution and abundance of the feral camel (Camelus dromedarius) in Australia. Rangeland Journal 32: 1-9.
Vaarzon-Morel P and Edwards G (2010). From beast of burden to symbol of the desert/feral animal: The metamorphoses of the camel in central Australia. Dialogue 29: 5-17.
Woinarski JCZ (2010). Biodiversity conservation in tropical forest landscapes of Oceania. Biological Conservation143: 2385-2394.
Woinarski JCZ, Armstrong M, Brennan K, Fisher A, Griffiths AD, Hill B, Milne DJ, Palmer C, Ward S, Watson M, Winderlich S, and Young S (2010). Monitoring indicates rapid and severe decline of native small mammals in Kakadu National Park, northern Australia. Wildlife Research 37: 116-126.
Zeng B and Edwards GP (2010). Perceptions of pastoralists and conservation reserve managers on managing feral camels and their impacts. Rangeland Journal 32: 63-72.
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