Due diligence

The Department of Lands, Planning and Environment (DLPE) receives requests for due diligence relating to a search enquiry for any orders, notices or fees issued or outstanding on a parcel of land. Departmental officers are able to provide information on orders or notices issued or proposed to be issued under the following legislation:

  • Soil Conservation and Land Utilisation Act 1969
  • Weeds Management Act 2001
  • Water Act 1992
  • Waste Management and Pollution Control Act 1998
  • Environment Protection Act 2019
  • Heritage Act 2011.

Departmental officers are able to provide information relating to any endangered or vulnerable species, endangered populations or endangered ecological communities on, or in the vicinity of a property in relation to the Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1976.

Information relating to storm surge areas, flood mapping, registered water bore locations and water extraction licences is available from NR Maps and the Water Licencing Portal.

The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 is administered by the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. Advice on matters protected under that legislation can be requested from that department or from the Protected Matters Search tool.

The following items form part of the information contained on the Public Registers which are available on the NT EPA website.

  • Environment Protection Approvals
  • Environment Protection Licences
  • Plans for Environment Management provided to the NT EPA in accordance with the licence
  • Pollution Abatement Notices
  • Incidents notified to the NT EPA as per section 14 of the Waste Management and Pollution Control Act 1998
  • Environmental Assessment projects under the Environmental Assessment Act 1982 and Environment Protection Act 2019

Departmental officers are unable to provide other information except under a subpoena or freedom of information request (FOI).

Your due diligence request should be emailed to DevelopmentAssessment.DEPWS@nt.gov.au

Or using the contact details below:

Due Diligence Coordinator
Rangelands Division
Department of Lands, Planning and Environment (DLPE)
PO Box 496
Palmerston NT 0831

Phone: 08 8999 4446


The information provided in response to due diligence requests will be drawn from information held by DLPE and other Northern Territory Government agencies. In some cases, information may have been provided to the DLPE or the Territory by third parties. It will be provided to you in good faith and on the basis that it is believed to be reliable and accurate.

However, the Territory and the DLPE cannot guarantee that the information will be complete or accurate, or that it will remain accurate in the future.

Neither the DLPE nor the Northern Territory of Australia can give any warranty or assurance, or make any representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided in response to due diligence requests.

Persons requesting information rely on the information provided at their own risk.

The Northern Territory of Australia, DLPE and their respective officers, employees and agents do not accept legal liability or responsibility for the content of the information provided, or any consequences arising from its use, and disclaim all such liability and responsibility to the maximum extent permitted by law.

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