Buffel grass management Have Your Say Now Open
Buffel grass was originally planted in Central Australia to combat dust and erosion and to provide drought-resistant fodder for beef production.
However, it has since spread beyond where it was originally planted and is now a significant contributor to fire fuel loads, is impacting biodiversity, as well as cultural values and practices.
In June 2024 the Weed Management Branch and the Buffel Grass Weed Advisory Committee developed a strategy for the management of buffel grass in Central Australia in agreed priority areas: Buffel Grass Management Strategy: Central Australia 2024 – 2030 PDF (1.7 MB).
In July 2024, buffel grass was formally declared a weed under section 7(1) of the Northern Territory Weeds Management Act 2001.
In 2024 the Northern Territory Government committed $750 000 annually to improve buffel grass management. This included employing two additional Alice Springs based staff to co-ordinate management activities and provide support to landholders across Central Australia.
Manager Planning and Science Weed Management Branch, Roni Opden said the management activities include mapping and monitoring methods for buffel grass and the identification of priority areas for management.
'Priority areas are recognised where buffel grass poses the greatest risk to biodiversity and cultural and community values due to its competitiveness and contribution to fire fuel loads,' Ms Opden said.
'We need to ensure landowners and managers in priority areas are able to manage buffel grass. This includes on Parks and Reserves, transport corridors, funding Aboriginal ranger groups in Indigenous Protected Areas, resourcing and assisting Landcare groups with community-led projects, and supporting private landholders through access to free herbicide and equipment loans.'
The buffel grass team has initially focused on developing capacity to support the community to manage buffel on the lands where they live and work. Landholders and land managers are encouraged to contact the Weed Management Branch on 8951 9227 or email weedinfo@nt.gov.au for support to manage buffel grass.
A statutory Weed Management Plan is also being developed, which will provide additional details as to how buffel grass is to be managed and regulated in the Northern Territory. To assist in the development of this plan the Weed Management Branch is seeking public input into buffel grass management via a Have Your Say survey: Have Your Say Northern Territory.
The draft Weed Management Plan will be advertised for public comment prior to it being finalised.