Licence holder inspections in the Mataranka region
During August 2024, water regulation officers inspected water licence holders in the Mataranka region. This included seven existing licence holders and a licence applicant that provides water for a variety of uses including agriculture, industry and cultural use.
Inspections involve officers observing water meters to ensure compliance with the Code of Practice for metering installations and cross-checking meter readings with reported data. This is also the opportunity to discuss relevant issues, such as the draft Mataranka water allocation plan, potential trade opportunities, water use requirements, current crop types, future development plans, current business challenges relating to water use and the use of the MyMeter online reporting system.
The inspections were last carried out in the region in May 2023 as part of the target to inspect at least 20% of all licence holders annually. This means more than 123 licence inspections for 2024-25.
These water regulatory activities are guided by the five-year Compliance and enforcement priorities 2021-2026. Each year, an annual compliance plan is produced to provide actions and targets for each of the priorities as well as an annual report card to share the actions and targets that were achieved.
The latest compliance plan and report card are due to be published in the coming months and will be released on our website Water licensing rules | NT.GOV.AU.