Key stakeholders meet to discuss weeds in the Barkly
The Tennant Creek Weeds Working Group convened a meeting in May to discuss key weed issues.
This was the first time the group had come together to discuss the progress of the Tennant Creek Regional Strategy 2021 - 2026.
Key stakeholders from the Barkly met to discuss the Tennant Creek Regional Weeds Strategy 2021 - 2026. Representation from the department, land councils, , pastoral industry, Barkly Regional Council and the mining industry participated in the forum. Chris Brown, Regional Weeds Manager, chaired the meeting and provided an update on progress of the Strategy. The new Tennant Creek Weeds Officer George Doddrell was introduced to the group and will work closely with stakeholders to address weed issues in the region.
The Tennant Creek region has benefitted from consecutive above average wet seasons and stakeholders expressed the significant amount of growth from weeds across the region. Several key issues were raised around roads, industry and current management issues. Prickle bushes such as prickly acacia, parkinsonia and mesquite have shown substantial growth across the Barkly Tablelands and will be a major focus for the Weed Management Branch.
Emma Burcher, Weeds Planning Officer, presented to the group on the review of the statutory weed management plans for prickly acacia and mesquite. The new plans were welcomed by the pastoral industry representatives and reconfirmed the group’s ambitions to eradicate both mesquite and prickly acacia from the Tennant Creek region.
Roni Opden, Executive Officer for the Buffel Grass Weed Advisory Committee, provided an update on the progress on buffel grass planning. Buffel grass has been identified as a weed of concern in the Tennant Creek region and the group was pleased with the progress the Weed Advisory Committee was making.
The group plans to meet on an annual basis to discuss weed issues across the Tennant Creek region. This will allow for continued networking and addressing the key weed issues across the region. The next meeting will be integral for developing the next Tennant Creek Regional Weeds Strategy.