Environmental Regulation team launches Compliance Plan and Report Card
The Territory’s environmental regulator is pleased to announce the publication of its Compliance Plan 2024-25 and Compliance Report Card 2023-24, marking a significant milestone in our regulatory maturity journey.
The Publication of Our Compliance Plan and Report Card
This is the regulator’s second Compliance Plan and first Compliance Report Card, serving as vital instruments for tracking and planning our compliance and enforcement activities. They describe what the regulator did, what it found, and where it’s going to focus in the future.
These key documents demonstrate the regulator’s commitment to growing as a PACTT regulator (proportionate, accountable, consistent, targeted, and transparent).
Compliance Report Card 2023-24: Overview
The Compliance Report Card 2023-24 showcases the regulator’s efforts over the past year. This includes the following snapshot of activities:
- Responded to 676 pollution reports
- Undertook over 100 site inspections, with 100% coverage of high-risk sites
- Monitored compliance across 250 licences
- Issued 26 warning letters
- Issued 4 environmental audit notices
- Pursued 2 prosecutions, and
- 5 active investigations.
Compliance Plan 2024-25: Targeted Priorities
The Compliance Plan 2024-25 outlines the regulators targeted efforts for the coming year, focusing on:
- High-risk industries such as petroleum, mining (offsite discharges), and projects assessed by the NT EPA, and
- Air quality, wastewater discharges, groundwater protection, and waste crimes.
Together, these documents outline the regulator’s continued dedication to managing environmental risks and building the public and regulated communities’ trust of our commitment to striking the right balance between protecting the environment and enabling development.
They have been endorsed by the Northern Territory Environment al Protection Authority (NT EPA), the Controller of Water Resources, the Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment and the Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Lands, Planning and Environment.
We invite you to explore the details of the Compliance Plan and Report Card at NTEPA website.
Compliance report card 2023-24
Compliance plan 2024-25