Crown Land Estate and Johnston Central – a new retail hub for Palmerston’s northern region!


The government’s Crown land release program has underpinned the recently completed construction of a shopping centre in Johnston.

Johnston Developers has recently completed the construction of the shopping centre, located centrally on the corner of Lind Road and Farrar Boulevard, Johnston. The commercial development commenced in 2016, after Johnston Developers’ successful $1.25 million bid over Crown land at public auction.

The first stage of the development is now completed, and Crown Land Estate has granted Johnston Developers freehold title over the 800m2 site, which intends to provide a supermarket, medical services and a café/restaurant to the Johnston community. For the next stage of the development, the developer has plans to construct a childcare centre.

The land release and development has been a collaborative effort between Planning and Development, Building Advisory Services, Crown Land Estate and other key partners working with the developer. The development navigated the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and it is fantastic to see a positive economic development outcome for the local community, the developers and the government’s Crown land release program.

Crown Land Estate Palmerston Hub.
Crown Land Estate Palmerston Hub.

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