Compliance inspections in Ti Tree and Western Davenport
Water Resources Division inspected over 50 bores in the Ti Tree and Western Davenport regions during annual compliance inspections in September 2024.
Water Resources Division licences and regulates water extraction in the Northern Territory. Each year at least 20% of all water extraction licences are inspected for compliance with licence conditions and the Water Act 1992. This year, it is expected that more than 123 site inspections will be undertaken across the Territory.
In September, staff travelled to the regions of Ti Tree and Western Davenport to inspect 11 water licence holders and over 50 licensed bores.
During these inspections it was found that there was ongoing works to prepare the land for new and additional crops. A number of discussions were had regarding business plans to further develop land and use of the full licensed entitlements.
Water extraction licences throughout the Territory are publicly available and are accessible online through the Water Licensing Portal. Site inspections in regional areas are determined on a risk based approach with high priority licences the primary focus. High priority licences include new water extraction licences, licences with unmetered extraction points and licences with a history of non-compliance.
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