Approach to reforming water resource management laws
The Northern Territory Government’s vision for contemporary legislation that supports sustainable water resource management and builds trust begins with the approach to reform.
The Northern Territory Government has committed to deliver contemporary water resource management legislation contributing to sustainability and trust and confidence, under priority action 11 in the Territory Water Plan.
Today’s legislation, the Water Act 1992, provides a sound legislative basis for water resource management.
New legislation will ensure water resource management is
- fit for the future
- can adapt to climate change and growing competition for water
- meets community expectations with enhanced governance and accountability.
New water legislation will be developed across 4 phases.
The next step will be to develop a model for reform.
The model for reform will be the guiding document for water reform. Considering the Water Act 1992 and drawing on community feedback and national policy the model will outline
- elements of the Act which should remain the same because they are effective or provide consistency for Territory businesses
- elements of the Act which could be enhanced with small changes
- new elements or elements which could be enhanced by significant change or a change in policy.
Territorians will help establish the model for reform and throughout the reform program
- via representative peak body – peak industry and interest groups will be involved in early, targeted engagement as the model for reform and policy positions are developed
- through Have Your Say – broader public consultation processes like Have Your Say will allow individual voices to be eared as each project phase is resolved.
Read the Territory Water Plan on our website: Territory water plan | Water Security (