Consultation on draft environment protection legislation

Caution: Archived content as historical consultation

This content has been superseded, and served a particular purpose at a particular time. This consultation process has closed.

The closing date for comments was 3 December 2018. The draft Environment Protection Bill and Regulations will be amended to take into account feedback.

The NT Government is restoring trust by better protecting our environment with the release of the draft Environment Protection Bill and draft Environment Protection Regulations for eight weeks of public consultation.

The NT Government is overhauling the current environmental regulatory system. Reforms are critical to achieving a robust regulatory system that the community will trust while encouraging industry investment and economic growth. Its ultimate goal is to deliver sustainable development in the Northern Territory.

A single piece of legislation is being developed to implement a best practice environmental management regulatory framework – the Environment Protection Act.

The Environment Protection Act is being developed in two stages:

  • stage one will address reforms to the environmental impact assessment system and introduce an environmental approval to be issued by the Minister for Environment and Natural Resources
  • stage two will address Government’s commitments to transform the Waste Management and Pollution Control Act 1998 into a fully functioning Environment Protection Act, which will also include provisions for the environmental regulation of the mining industry.

The draft Bill and Regulations speak to the new impact assessment and approval system and delivery on stage one of the reform program.

Amendments to the legislation to address stage two of the reform program will be developed separately.

The draft legislation has been developed based on the feedback received through consultation with industry groups, land councils, environmental groups, government agencies and other key stakeholders.

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The draft Environment Protection Bill and draft environment protection Regulations have been released for public consultation.

Has now closed on the 3 December 2018.

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