This page lists the books, reports and publications from the Flora and Fauna Division in 2022.

For enquiries about any of the publications listed below send an email to biodiversity.depws@nt.gov.au.


Andersen, A. N., Einoder, L. D., Fisher, A., Hill, B., & Oberprieler, S. K. (2022). Faunal standards for the restoration of terrestrial ecosystems: a framework and its application to a high-profile case study. Restoration ecology, 31(1), Article e13735. https://doi.org/10.1111/rec.13735

Fukuda, Y., McDonald, P. J., & Crase, B. (2022). Lost to the sea: Predicted climate change threats to saltwater crocodile nesting habitat. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10(2022). https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2022.839423

McDonald, P. J., Brown, R. M., Kraus, F., Bowles, P., Arifin, U., Eliades, S. J., Fisher, R. N., Gulke, M., Grismer, L. L., Ineich, I., Karin, B. R., Meneses, C. G., Richards, S. J., Sanguila, M. B., Siler, C. D., & Oliver, P. M., (2022). Cryptic extinction risk in a western Pacific lizard radiation. Biodiversity and Conservation, 31, Article 2045-2062. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-022-02412-x

Oliver, P. M., Bower, D. S., McDonald, P. J., Kraus, F., Luedtke, J., Neam, K., Hobin, L., Chauvenet, A. L. M., Allison, A., Aria, E., Clulow, S., Günther, R., Nagombi, E., Tjaturadi, B., Travers, S. L., & Richards, S. J. (2022). Melanesia holds the world’s most diverse and intact insular amphibian fauna. Communications Biology 5, Article 1182 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-022-04105-1


Fortune, J., & Radke, L. (2022). Anthropogenic Pressures on Darwin Harbour: Darwin Harbour Integrated Marine Monitoring and Research Program Monitoring Report 2021-22.Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Northern Territory Government, Darwin, Northern Territory

Young, L., Patykowski, J., Leiper, I., Nano, C., Fisher, A., Gillespie, G., Barnett, G., Buckley, K., Hanrahan, N., McDonald, P., Miller, A, Ribot, R., Ruykys, L., Stewart, A., Zimny, A., & Northern Territory. Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security. Flora and Fauna Division. (2022, December 31) Terrestrial Ecosystems Baseline Report. Northern Territory Government, Darwin. https://hdl.handle.net/10070/898910


Jones, M. J.,  Morrison, S. N., Morrison, R. J., Plummer, R. N., Nabarula, B., Graham, D. J., Johnson, H. N., Jones, J. J., Morphett, M. N., Dawson, P. N., Frank, W. N., Nixon, J. N., Phillips, A. N., Frank, D. J., Fitz, K. N., Jones, S. N., Crafter, B., Williams, V., Dickenson, E., Williams, P. N., Simpson, J., & Wightman, G. (2022). Warumungu plants and animals; Aboriginal biocultural knowledge from the Tennant Creek area, central Australia. Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin no. 54. Jointly published with Papulu Apparr-kari Aboriginal Corporation, Tennant Creek (www.papak.com.au).

Nabarula, B., Napangarti, J. C., Jupurrula, D. G., Napanangka, N. G., Japaljarri, J. N., Nakamarra, S. N., Nakamarra, B. G., Nakamarra, D. W., Japaljarri, C., C. F., Nakamarra, L. F., Nakamarra, L. M., Napangarti, L. B., Napaljarri, P. K., Newcastle, E., Namakili, P. W., Jakamarra, W. G., Nakamarra, L. M., Nungarrayi, G. B., Grant Nungarrayi, S. G., …  & Wightman, G. (2022). Warlmanpa plants and animals; Aboriginal biocultural knowledge from Tanami desert country, central Australia. Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin no. 55. Jointly published with Papulu Apparr-kari Aboriginal Corporation, Tennant Creek (www.papak.com.au).

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