Draft declaration - proposal to prohibit subsea mining
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Public submissions closed on 21 June 2021.
Consultation | End date |
Draft declaration - proposal to prohibit subsea mining On 5 February 2021, the minister responsible for the environment announced a proposal to prohibit subsea mining in the Northern Territory, including a six month extension to the existing seabed mining moratorium. This announcement was made following consideration of reports from the Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority and the Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority. A draft declaration to prohibit subsea mining PDF (119.9 KB) has been prepared including a statement of reasons for the draft declaration PDF (772.7 KB). A copy of these documents may also be requested from the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security by emailing environment.policy@nt.gov.au. Interested persons are invited to make written comments on the draft declaration to the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security. The public comment period commences 10 May 2021, closing 21 June 2021.
| 21 June 2021 |
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