McArthur River Mine independent expert panels

McArthur River Mine is an open pit zinc, lead and silver mining operation in the Northern Territory (NT), located approximately 700km south-east of Darwin near the township of Borroloola.

McArthur River Mining Pty Ltd (MRM) is the licenced operator of McArthur River Mine, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Glencore Plc.

The NT Government has been working to ensure MRM meets its environmental obligations under the Environment Protection Act 2019.

A key aspect includes the identification of chairpersons for independent expert panels for McArthur River Mine for appointment by the minister responsible for the environment in consultation with the minister responsible for mining.

Three panels are to be established to provide technical reviews to the regulator of McArthur River Mine with a focus on the operation of the North Overburden Emplacement Facility (NOEF), Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) and the progress being made with respect to finalisation of plans to achieve closure of the mine.

The findings of the independent expert panels will be released sequentially on a rolling 3 year cycle. The first report by the NOEF Panel is expected to be prepared during 2024, the second by the TSF Panel in 2025 and the third by the Mine Closure Panel in 2026.

The relationships between the expert panels and various parties relative to regulatory requirements is depicted below.

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Since 1 July 2024 the Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment is responsible for regulation of mining in the NT subject to the Environment Protection Act 2019.

Terms of reference for the 3 independent expert panels have been approved by the minister. The terms of reference were developed in consultation with the operator and have been endorsed by the Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority.

It is anticipated that the names and specialist expertise of the chairpersons and members of the panels will be made public.

Establishment of the expert panels - expressions of interest

Following public calls for expressions of interest from suitably qualified and recognised technical experts, independent chairpersons for panels have been appointed.

The minster responsible for mining, in consultation with the minister responsible for the environment, appointed Dr Alan Robertson as the independent chairperson for the NOEF and TSF panels.

The minster responsible for environment, in consultation with the minister responsible for the mining, will consider submissions for the independent chairperson for the Mine Closure Panel.

Details of panel members and their expertise will be made public once the panels have been established.

Following appointment by the minister, the independent chairperson will work directly with the department and MRM to deliver against the terms of reference for the respective Independent Panels of Experts.

The purpose of the Mine Closure Panel is to provide the minister responsible for the environment with robust, independent technical advice regarding progress made by the operator in relation to planning for the closure of McArthur River Mine and related management.

To achieve this purpose, the Mine Closure Panel will undertake a technical review once every 3 to 5 years focused on the:

  • development of closure and care and maintenance strategies for mine site domains, and the trajectory towards achieving agreed closure objectives, and
  • the risk of potential catastrophic failure of the mine levee wall and the McArthur River diversion channel in view of future closure objectives.

Submissions received expressing interest in the role of independent chairperson are currently under consideration.

The membership of the Mine Closure Panel will be subject to consideration of nominations of suitable technical experts made by the independent chairperson.

Read the Mine Closure Panel terms of reference PDF (797.9 KB)

The purpose of the NOEF Panel is to provide the minister responsible for the environment with robust, independent technical advice regarding the effectiveness of NOEF management to achieve secure storage of waste rock so as to protect the health of the McArthur River from mine related impacts.

To achieve this purpose, the NOEF Panel will undertake a triennial technical review (once every 3 years) focused on the:

  • outcomes of the NOEF management program
  • NOEF seepage monitoring results and the appropriateness of the monitoring program, and
  • construction quality records, critical controls, stability assessments
  • cover trial results, cover performance
  • performance of progressive rehabilitation of the NOEF.

In January 2024, Dr Alan Robertson was appointed by the minister as the independent chairperson for the NOEF Panel.

The membership of the NOEF Panel is under consideration.

Read the NOEF Panel terms of reference PDF (800.4 KB)

The purpose of the TSF Panel is to provide the minister responsible for the environment with robust, independent technical advice regarding the effectiveness of TSF management to achieve secure storage of tailings so as to protect the health of the McArthur River from mine related impacts.

To achieve this purpose, the TSF Panel will undertake a triennial technical review (once every 3 years) focused on the:

  • outcomes of the operator’s approved management program for the TSF, and
  • seepage monitoring results and the appropriateness of the seepage system with respect to abating environmental risks to the McArthur River.

In January 2024, Dr Alan Robertson was appointed by the minister as the independent chairperson for the TSF Panel.

The membership of the TSF Panel will be given consideration following establishment of the NOEF Panel.

Read the TSF Panel terms of reference PDF (797.2 KB).

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